pitf0328's Page

Country: United States
City: Redmond, WA
Joined: 1 year ago
Gender: Male
Relationship status: Single
Posted: Nothing
Age: 35
Sexual orientation: Straight
Favourites: 21 videos , 1 playlist
About me: So many gone and senselessly lost, we -- pitffire@hotmail.com and yyuri1767@hotmail.com -- we cannot stand it. It just does not seem fair. The only bright spot is that they have left behind a large amount of fictional funding and now it can be yours when you work with a MicroSoft approved fiscal deplenishment agent. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are some transfer costs involved. Unfortunately, these have to be paid with real money, which means that the costs cannot be taken from the fictional funds you are to receive. However, since the fictional funds are so much more than the real money required up front, you can view this as an investment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MicroSoft fiscal deplenishment agents: alicelouisewalton0222@outlook.co.th asadwebsolutionservice@outlook.com chrisrbassett@hotmail.com misskayley@hotmail.co.uk nesan262gaya@hotmail.co.uk pitffire@hotmail.com raj0011@hotmail.co.uk --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All backed by the MicroSoft Assurance: if you receive any money, you may mail it to Redmond, and it will be accepted.

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